| 1. | You've got me out of a score of scrapes . 你帮我渡过几十个难关。 |
| 2. | Soon, from a score of the great windows, flames burst forth . 不久,火焰就从那些大窗子里喷出来。 |
| 3. | I witnessed this scene or its variant at least a score of times . 我至少有十多次亲眼看到诸如此类的场面。 |
| 4. | "not for a score of worlds," replied the dwarf with a grin . “就是拿出二十个世界来我也不会那样,”矮子答道,苦笑着。 |
| 5. | Within the perfect cup, a score of clustered seeds are nestled . 在这只完美无缺的小杯里面,一撮撮种子,半隐半现地藏在里面。 |
| 6. | Scott, moore, and a score of others testified to his personal charm . 司各特,莫尔和许许多多其他人都对他文绉绉的谈吐举止颇有好评。 |
| 7. | Consumers buy thousands of small items from a score of different retail establishment . 消费者向许多不同的零售机构购买数以千计的消费品。 |
| 8. | The ground there was covered with a mist of blue bells, and nearly a score of trees were in full bloom . 那儿,野风信子密密地滋生着,还有二十来棵野生的苹果树盛开着花儿。 |
| 9. | A score of men, for this was the very thickest of the ambush, joined in this cruel and untimely mirth . 有二十个人--因为这儿是埋伏人数最多的一处--参加了这个残忍的不合时宜的作乐活动。 |
| 10. | My servant has seen them together a score of times, handed, reading babies in one another's eyes like--you know . 我的佣人看见他们在一起一二十次了:手拉着手,我望着你,你望着我出神,就象你是知道的。 |